Gun Laws and Rights in Indiana You Should Know About
The Fourth Amendment is vital to many Indiana residents. If you are considering purchasing, selling, or carrying a gun in the state, it’s critical that you understand Indiana gun laws and rights. Here are some of the most important Indiana gun laws to be aware of.
No Permit Requirement
Many states require you to have a permit to lawfully own a gun. However, there is no such requirement to have a gun permit or license in Indiana before purchasing a firearm. This applies to various types of firearms, including handguns, rifles, and shotguns.
You only need a permit if you want to carry a gun on your person or in your vehicle.
Concealed Carry Permit Law
If you wish to carry your firearm on your person, you must obtain a concealed carry permit. With this permit, you can carry the weapon on you, as well as freely transport the gun. Even if you have a concealed carry permit, some locations may ban guns, such as school property, post offices, hospitals, airports, and state fairs. You must comply with these rules even if you have a valid permit.
Firearm Transporting Requirements
If you do not have a concealed carry permit but want to move your firearm outside your home, such as to a local shooting range or a friend’s house to shoot, your weapon needs to be unloaded and securely wrapped.
Laws Regarding Firearms and Minors
Indiana laws limit when a minor may lawfully fire a weapon. Minors can only have or shoot a firearm under the following circumstances:
- They are hunting.
- They are shooting at a gun range or a certified target range.
- They are on a property owned by their parent.
In all of these situations, they must be under adult supervision.
Laws Regarding Selling a Firearm
Indiana laws prohibit the sale of firearms to certain individuals, including:
- Minors (unless you are their parent or guardian gifting the gun)
- Convicted felons
- Drug users
- Anyone intoxicated during the purchase
- Mental patients
- Unfit individuals
Gun dealers and shops are required to run a NICS background check to ensure that the buyer is legally permitted to purchase the firearm.
Illegal Weapons
Certain weapons are illegal for private citizens to own or purchase in Indiana, including:
- Machine guns
- Armor-piercing handguns
- Armor-piercing ammunition
- Sawed-off shotguns
Being found in possession of any of these weapons can result in severe penalties, including lengthy prison sentences and hefty fines.
Are You Facing Gun Charges? Contact The Criminal Defense Team Today
If you are facing gun charges for being in possession of an illegal firearm, selling to an unfit person, or carrying a firearm in a prohibited area, you need legal representation from a skilled gun charges lawyer in Indianapolis. The Board-Certified Criminal Trial Specialists at the Criminal Defense Team of Baldwin Perry & Wiley PC have over 100 years of combined legal experience representing clients facing various crimes in Indiana, including gun charges. Contact us today for a free consultation to learn how we can help.